How to make extra money? It is very common thinking of every-person in today's world. There are various ways of earning money from internet if you have dedication for the particular type of work you perform. And a professional can even earn up to $ 100 in a day. There are so many jobs which can be done at home and you can fill your pockets with some extra cash. Here you will get to read ways of different types of jobs which can be performed at your home and you can earn money. Whether you are a student or a house-wife or job-holder you can do these at your time of ease to earn money. If any person starts for looking jobs in outdoor then there are various jobs which can anyone do earn money.
From repairing anyone's electronic appliance to delivering anyone's groceries to their home. From being a baby care taker to home tutor, you can participate in various kinds of works for your own benefit. Work from home is that trending topic of todays world which can be applied in huge form to get the extra income.
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15 ways to earn money in 2023
1. Create your own You-Tube channel
This is the most trending topic of todays world and almost every-one has got their channel and might be working with them but not with the proper way. One needs dedication for the growth of the channel and the progress of the channel. The niche you has chosen must be the unique and you should be working on the niche with full dedication and with full knowledge about the topic they want to be You-Tuber.
2. Create your own blog
Yes there are various platforms on internet which gives you a stage to create your blog, a blog can be written or typed and can be monetized if you have performed a very good work on it. In easy words if you have good creativity you can express yourself as a writer and can get accomplishment with the help of writing which you might have not even thought of.,,, etc. There are options on Internet which can be used to create your Blog.
Now the question arises, what you will write? The answer is the words you use in your daily life even to talk, you can type it. If you are a house-wife, you can type the recipe of the food which you prepare. Job holders can write about the job they do so that the coming aspirants may about the job role. And various ways of expressing your feelings.
3. Online paid surveys
To utilize the spare time of people, online paid surveys are the popular form to make money online from home. There are various research companies which are always recruiting new members worldwide to answer surveys and test new products. They hire their members almost from most of the countries around the globe to answer surveys and test new products.
Online paid surveys involves to answer the questions. The question in the survey can be anything whether from your daily habits to which tooth-paste you use. From a few minute of form filling you can make few Rupees or in up-to Rs. 500 or rewards as any of gift card from amazaon, flipkart, or any other.
A few good one paid surveys to try are: Branded Surveys, Swagbucks, Toluna, Pinecone, LifePoints, OnePoll, i-say, Opinion Outpost, YouGov, Prizerebel, Marketagent.
4. Get your book published
Yes who ever you are, you can get your imagination or steps of your job can hep you in writing your own book, wither in online or off-line mode. You can visit your nearby printing press or can get your book published on Internet platforms like kindle and many more. The apps are now available on many devices, so the market of Book publishing is huge. The key to success with books are to create value, and write non-fiction. Getting the information compiled in form of book after deep research and also presenting it in a easy language justifies someone spending a few penny on it.
5. Affiliate marketing
If you have a huge number of social media following or a website, which has a large number of traffic, you can immediately start making money by promoting all sorts of companies, products, services and offers online.
Affiliate marketing is a new process to make extra income. If someone buys using the link of the company, product, services or offers online, you'll make a commission(can be within up to 90 days).
6. Mobile Phone Recycling
You can earn money and help the environment b y recycling your old phones and other unused devices. Ask your parents, brothers or sisters if they have any old or unused electronic gadgets or mobile phones around them which can be useful for you to earn money.
Few websites which by old phones are:,,, and many more.
7. Part-Time job
A part time job is the obvious first choice for students looking to supplement their student loan. It provides a steady flow of income and value-able work experience. The struggling side of Part-time jobs are to find a good part time jobs and your dedication for that job.
8. Get your-self on Fiverr
Fiverr is the world's largest marketplace for people to make money selling small services known as 'gigs'. What you offer could be absolutely anything. Whether you are a writer, translator, posts on social media, do teaching, create music, do voice-overs, etc. you can sell your service on Fiverr.
9. Cash-back when shopping
This is a way to make money and save money at the same time. Cask back allows you to reclaim money from purchases you would have mode anyway, whether it be any percent. There are number of cashback sites which pay you the commission they otherwise would have earned.
10. Mystery shopping
Today becoming a mystery shopper is easier than you think, and you can be rewarded handsomely. There are dozens of agencies that pay you to visit all sorts of shops and restaurants to report on how they are performing. Mystery shoppers visit to different locations for the purpose of shopping and to get to know the performance of the place and get paid by the recruiting agency.
11. Finding property for investors
There is huge amount of money in the land dealer-ship but on the surface you might be thinking this might be off-limits. Truth is, lots of people make a deal of money by sourcing suitable properties for wealthy investors who are time poor.
One of the major trick for this is to find properties which are below market value. Avoid visiting estate agents instead distribute flyers in your area with your contact detauls offering to buy houses for cash. As it is not a quick way to make money but once you have got a few investors in your phone-book it can be prove to be very lucrative in long run.
12. Sell your stories and videos
If you are an writer or some-one who want to sell his/her writing work. Yes there are so many incidents in the world which can be scripted in the text in very good way or sometimes few incidents also get captured on the camera which can be used to sell and earn money. Whether through You-Tube or through any other video sharing platform.
13. Sell your clothes
When it comes to clearing out your wardrobe for money e-bay and many other sites has been a long time scope for many making extra money. Online auctions are a sure-fire way to turn that sleeveless jacket into hard cash. There are lots more second-hand platforms which make it even easier to sell your unwanted clothes online, including apps.
14. Dog walking & sitting
If babies ain't your thing, they maybe canines. Dog sitting is a big business. Most students have some free time during the day when pet owners are at work and worried about their pets at home. You could earn around Rs. 400 an hour per dog, and it is also a great way to keep fit.
15. Baby-sitting
It is a classic money maker and for good reason. You are almost get paid to watch TV and not very much else - hopefully. If you are wondering what to charge, you can expect to be paid Rs. 500 an hour even if you aren't trained in childcare.