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Why can't I buy Twitter Blue Tick Subscription

News are coming that Twitter Blue subscription feature has been removed from the social media platform Twitter. Some social media users reported that the option to sign up for Twitter Blue is no longer available on the website of Twitter. After taking over Musk as in-charge of Twitter, it has created a lot of confusion by rolling out different features every day and then removing them.

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Twitter Blue Tick Badge Matter (Hanuman STUDIES)

As per the report Twitter appears to have paused it's $ 7.99/ month Blue subscription service, which allowed people to pay for a verification check mark, after users were abusing it to impersonate brands and famous people. Twitter launched this service earlier this week in it's I-phone app, allowing users to buy a check-mark that had previously been used to show that an account was verified or official. As of Friday, the I-phone app no longer shows an option to sign up for Twitter Blue.

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An image of Musk with Twitter Bird

According to report published in the c.n.b.c. "the paid subscription led to a plethora of fake account creating imposter on Twitter. It left the platform even more ripe for misinformation, and many cheaply acquired check-marks were used to impersonate  brands, politicians and celebrities with unflattering messages. One current sales employee at Twitter said the company decided to pull back on Twitter blue verification in response to the series of impersonators. The employee, who asked to remain unnamed since they were not authorized to speak on behalf of Twitter, said one account resembling pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly caused a serious problem when it tweeted out, "we are excited to announce insulin is free now."

The tweet remained on the social media platform for hours before it was taken down. the real Eli Lilly account later tweeted:'We apologize to those who have been served a misleading message from a fake Lilly account.' "

An impersonator also pilloried tesla, Elon Musk's electric car maker using the paid subscriber blue checkpoint. An account with the handle that appeared as @TeslaReal: wrote a flurry of disappearing tweets, one of which said, 'honestly the 53% drop in price doesn't phase us, if there's anyone who knows about Crashing it is us.'

As NBC News previously reported, an exodus of Twitter executives since Musk took over has included the departure of the company's head of trust and safety, Yoel Roth, and chief of information security, Lea Kessner among many others involved in infrastructure, trust and safety.

From mashable: 'The sudden disappearance of the new, $8 Twitter Blue, which was launched earlier this week, could be an error of some sort or a temporary pullback while Twitter sorts issues out. But it's another example of just how chaotic things are at twitter, where features are being introduced then pulled in the matter of days if not hours.'

Report taken from: CNBC

About Twitter:

Twitter Inc. is an American communication company based in San Francisco, California. The company operates the microblogging and social networking service Twitter.


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