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Hanuman STUDIES - A place for all


hanuman studies current affairs, general knowledge and many more
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Welcome to Hanuman STUDIES, a place where you get to learn and know about things happening in our country and around the globe. Why Hanuman? Hanuman is name of Famous Hindu God and he believed to be immortal and in my opinion, so is knowledge. Knowledge is that asset which can never be looted from any-one but can be utilized to give employment to the Lootera or Punishment if required.

Hanuman STUDIES is a website where you will get to read about current affairs (Now Removed), general knowledge, facts, and various things. Since it is a online portal so it can be accessed from any place around the world, whether you are living in India or in America. The topics brought before you are from genuine and trustworthy sources.

Since it is a online portal, you have to be conscious about the online fraudulent too.
This website never ask for any-one's personal information for any purpose unless required.
So be cautious as Hanuman STUDIES will not hold any responsibility.

Enjoy Reading and spread knowledge

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