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Babies Life Saving Heroic Moments Caught on camera - 1 (9 Images with videos)

 Life is precious and if it gets saved then it becomes more precious, fact is fact. So, from the world of Social-Media Hanuman STUDIES brings you the 9 images of the incidents which shows the life-saving acts of people who saved kids from getting injured.


1. First image

First image shows a man who was playing with a toddler on a bike and fast-moving car hits the bike while the man saved the toddler on time.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare on Facebook)

2. Second image

The man in this image was carrying the baby to outside while his foot slipped, but some-how he was able to save the kid by balancing him-self.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

3. Third image

This image is not about saving any human, it is about saving an animal's life. The owner of this dog saves it when the pup was playing near pool and got slipped into the pool.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

4. Fourth image

Siblings can be very mischievous and while handling them at the moment sometimes becomes very risky. Here an elder brother saves his younger sister from getting hit who was playing on sofa after climbing on it.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

5. Fifth image

The fifth image here is how a boy doing skateboarding lost his control and may get seriously injured if was not stopped by the stranger. Skateboarding can be dangerous sometimes.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

6. Sixth image

Eating food is good habit but what if the thing you are eating got stuck in your food-pipe or windpipe, such incident happened here when a boy got his food stuck which came out after getting a stroke from an elder person.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

7. Seventh image

A kid was playing on the bed while a young girl was laying on the bed when the girl removes her leg, the kid runs to the edge of the bed who may get fall if the girl do not save her the kid on time with the help of her legs.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

8. Eighth image

Do not get the image wrong a father was giving a piggyback to his baby, then the baby slipped all of a sudden from his shoulder. The father was somehow managed to save the baby from getting seriously injured by hitting the floor.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)

9. Ninth image

In this image the man is not just crouching on the sofa, but he saved a kid from falling from the sofa who was playing around the corner of it.

Screenshot image (Source: Newsflare from Facebook)


Internet has a lot of information stored in it and even various data. Above images have been taken from a video which was uploaded on a page on Facebook. You can watch the video given in the down of the article. Do not use the images for any kind of malpractice or in any manipulated way.

Above images have been taken from the below video

Beware of Cyber-Fraudulent.

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