Shinzo Abe Shinzo Abe was born on 21 September 1954 in Tokyo.Born into a prominent pol…
Current Affairs (08 July 2022) 1. Shinzo Abe assassinated on 08 July 2022. Shinzo Abe …
RASHTRAPATI BHAVAN Hanuman STUDIES It is also, The Office and Residence of the Preside…
Current Affairs (07 July 2022) 1. Rashtrapati Bhavan Organizes two day workshop on &qu…
A Samajik Adhikarita Shivir for distribution of Aids and Assistive devices to 'Div…
Indian Navy's indigenous frigate INS Satpura and P81 LRMRASW took part in one of t…
NTPC: National Thermal Power Corporation group companies achieve over 21.7 % growth i…
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