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United States: Democratic party to retain majority of Senate

 The Democratic Party will be going to keep retain majority control of United States Senate after winning pivotal race in Nevada. President Joe Biden's Democrats retained control of the U.S Senate on Saturday, a remarkable midterms election result that defied predictions of a Republican win over both houses of Congress. So it is clear that the numbers in the UN Senate will be maximum of President Joe Biden's Democrats. Mid-term elections in America tells the rejection of the party in power, and with inflation surging and Mr. Biden's popularity in the doldrums, Republicans had been expecting to ride a mighty red wave and capture the Senate and the House of Representatives. But he was never got much beyond a ripple.

President Joe Biden's Democrats retained control of the U.S Senate
Joe Biden Won the Mid-Term elections

According to report published on BBC, Democratic Senate Majority leader, Chuck Schumer, said the results showed the American people had rejected what he called the "Violent rhetoric" of the Republican Party. The Democrats will now have 50 Senate seats, with Republicans currently on 49. Republicans could still take control of the US House of Representatives as votes continue to be tallied from a handful of districts after Tuesday's elections.

A famous American Reporter analysed this news on BBC and according to his analyis:
"The Republican midterm flameout is now official. Democrats have retained control of the US Senate, which will pave the way for the Joe Biden to spend two more years filling the federal courts with his nominees and staffing his administration largely the way he sees fit. the Georgia Senate run-off is no longer a pivotal contest to determine control of a chamber, although a victory for DEmocrats there would make holding the majority in two years easier, when the party will have more at-risk seats to defend.

There is still a likelihood, although not certainty, that the Republicans will control a slim majority in the House of Representatives, bringing a variety of headaches for the president. His legislative agenda  is dead, and more aggressive Republican oversight is in store, but even that has a silver lining - if his political opponents are unable to effectively govern due to internal discord. The consequences of this history-defying midterm election result are still being revealed.

Donald trump's political future has been damaged, although how enduringly remains to be seen. Joe Biden's standing within his party has been bolstered. The political world in the United States of America looks considerably different than it did just a week ago."

US midterm election result democratic win international news joe biden american news
Joe Biden Image Source: News on Air

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The win clinches Democratic control in the Senate as Vice President Kamala Harris can cast the tie-breaking vote if the upper chamber is evenly split 50-50.One Senate race remains up in the air - a runoff in Georgia set for December. The two parties had been neck and neck at 49 seats each after Democrat Mark Kelly was projected to win a tight Senate race in Arizona on Friday evening. The result in the House of Representatives is also hanging in the balance, and while Republicans are slightly favoured to take control, it would be with a far smaller majority than they had envisaged going into Tuesday's election.

According to report in The Hindu:
"The former president was omnipresent on the campaign trail and the Republicans poor national performance was a damaging political blow. Mr.Trump's response to the Arizona result was to double down on unfounded claims of ballot rigging, posting on his Truth Social platform that the Democrat's victory was a scam and the result of voter fraud. He is set to declare his 2024 White House bid on Tuesday - an announcement he has planned as a triumphant follow on to an expected crushing election victory by the party he still dominates."

Reports taken from genuine and faithful sources: News on Air , BBC and The Hindu.

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