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Short range surface to air missile which will strike its enemy aiming vertically successfully tested by DRDO and Indian Navy

Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM)

Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM), is the name of the missile which has successfully flight tested by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Navy on 24th of June 2022.

The name of this missile is Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM), it has been successfully tested off the coast of Odisha. The testing has been conducted by Indian Navy and DRDO from an Indian Naval Ship at Integrated Test Range(ITR), Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.

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The VL-SRSAM is a ship borne weapon system which means it loaded on a ship which or near the coast which can target various air borne attacks which come very closer to base as this missile is Vettical Launch, which means targeting its enemy form very closest distance.

Range of Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM)

Range of  (VL-SRSAM) : As per the latest report the range of this Short Range Surafce to Air Missile is not published by pib and if source claims it will be their views or source.

The above topic of information has been taken from the article post on the website of PIB (Press Information Bureau) which comes under Government of India under the Release Id: 1836721

What is a missile?

A missile is weapon which is rocket propelled, designed to deliver an explosive warhead with great accuracy at high speed. The range of missiles may vary from few hundred feet to much larger distance.Almost all missiles contain sometimes of guidance and control mechanism and are therefore often referred as guided missiles.

Here is list of few name of Missiles of India

Missile Name: Agni - I
Class: SRBM
Range: 700 - 1200 km

Missile Name: Agni - II
Class: MRBM
Range: 2,000 - 3,500 km

Missile Name: Agni - III
Class: IRBM
Range: 3,000 - 5,000 km

Missile Name: Agni - IV
Class: IRBM
Range: 3,500 - 4,000 km

Missile Name: Agni - V
Class: ICBM
Range: 5,000 - 8000 km

Missile Name: BrahMos
Class: Cruise Missile
Range: 300 - 500 km

Missile Name: Dhanush
Class: SRBM
Range: 250 400 km

Missile Name: Nag
Class: ATGM
Range: 500 m to 4 km

Missile Name: Helina
Class: ATGM
Range: 7 - 10 km

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