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Ancient Histroy: General knowledge Important points for UPSC from Gupta period

 Gupta Period
(319 A.D - 540 A.D)

Ancient Histroy: General knowledge Important points for UPSC from Gupta period

  • In the 4th century A.D a new dynasty, the Guptas, arose in Magadha and established a large kingdom. Their rule lasted for more than 200 years.
  • This period is referred to as the 'classical age' or 'golden age' of ancient India and was perhaps the most prosperous period of the Indian History.

The Important rulers of Gupta period are

  • Chandragupta I: (319 - 334 A.D)
  • Samudragupta: (335 - 30 A.D)
  • Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya': (380 - 414 A.D)
  • Kumargupta I: (415 - 455 A.D)
  • Skandagupta: (455 - 467 A.D)

Important points from all rulers:

1. Chandragupta I

  • He started the Gupta Era in 319 - 20 A.D. He ruled from 319 A.D to 334 A.D.
  • He was the first Gupta ruler to assume the title of Maharajdhiraj.
  • Chandragupta I was able to establish his authority over Magadha, Prayaga and Saketa.

2. Samudragupta

  • He ruled from 335 A.D to 380 A.D.
  • He was considered the greatest king of Gupta dynasty.
  • Detailed record of his reign is preserved in the Prayaga Prasasti/ Allahabad pillar inscription, which was composed by his court poet Harisena.
  • His important achievement was the political unification of most of India or Aryavarta into a formidable power.
  • When he died, his emperor bordered to that of the Kushan od Western province (Modern Afghanistan and Pakistan) and Vakatakas in Deccan (Modern Southern Maharashtra).

3. Chandragupta II 'Vikramaditya'

  • He ruled from 380 A.D to 414 A.D.
  • According to a book written by Vishakhadatta - 'Devi Chandragupta', Samudragupta was succeeded by Ramgupta who surrendered to Saka invader. But the prince Chandragupta II, the younger brother of the king, succeeded in killing the Saka ruler.
  • Chandragupta II also killed Ramgupta, and extended the limits of his empire by matrimonial alliances (with the Nagas and Vakatakas) and conquests Western India.
  • He issued silver coins in the memory of victory over Sakas. He was the first 'Gupta ruler to issue silver coins' and also adopted the title of 'Sakari' and 'Vikramaditya'.
  • Ujjain was also made the second capital by Chandragupta II during his reign.

4. Kumargupta I

  • He ruled from 415 - 455 A.D.
  • Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son Kumargupta I.
  • Kumargupta was the worshipper of God Kartikeya.
  • He founded the Nalanda Mahavihara which developed into a great center of learning in coming years.
  • He has been given the title of Mahendraditya, Mahendra Sinh and Ashvamedha Mahendrah.

5. Skandagupta

  • He was the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty and ruled from 455 - 467 A.D.
  • During his reign the Gupta empire was invaded by the Huns. He succeeded in defeating the Huns and assumed the title of 'Vikramaditya'.
  • The continuous attack of the Huns weakened the empire of Skandagupta and the decline of the empire began soon after the death of Skandagupta.

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